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Deposition Preparation in Personal Injury Cases for Car Accidents

Home » Deposition Preparation in Personal Injury Cases for Car Accidents
December 24, 2023
Edward Smith

Deposition Preparation in Injury Cases

A party that is injured in a traffic collision or another type of accident through no fault of their own should work with a lawyer who is well-versed in personal injury law. The right attorney will have experience representing clients in bodily injury claims and recognize their duty to maximize the value of the case. This commitment to maximizing case value should remain consistent throughout the process, particularly during the pretrial discovery stage. A trial lawyer should prepare for depositions of medical experts with specific rules in mind. This is essential to a favorable case resolution for the client.

Medical Expert Preparation for Deposition in Personal Injury Cases

The plaintiff’s counsel should invest time in deposition preparation by establishing the testimony of physicians involved in the treatment of the client’s injuries. The establishment of valuable expert testimony can be accomplished by the attorney taking the time to evaluate medical literature relevant to the client’s injuries. This will provide the treating physician with opinions aligning with the facts and circumstances of the personal injury case. Prior preparation for a deposition provides the physician with the ability to readily recall opinions relevant to the matter.

Importance of Credibility and Expertise in Witness Testimony

As an example, the treating physician may acknowledge and agree that future issues may arise from the client’s injuries. Clinical evidence can be useful in presenting the physician’s views and opinions on the matter. The plaintiff’s counsel can provide medical literature to the treating physician to include as a reference in their conclusions. Testimony establishing the physician’s opinion with research from a reputable medical organization or group can strengthen their credibility and expertise in the matter. This approach may apply to both expert witnesses and treating physicians in a personal injury case.

The plaintiff’s counsel should obtain all previous deposition testimonies provided by the defense experts in a personal injury case. The significance of this effort cannot be underestimated. The right attorney will take the time to locate a past deposition transcript for a defense expert to uncover key information. This will be essential to a compelling presentation in front of a jury at trial and a meaningful challenge to the credibility of defense witnesses. Moreover, it is not rare for a defendant to retain an expert in an accident case, particularly those involving serious injuries and damages.

When there are numerous defense experts retained in a case, the right plaintiff’s attorney will know the best way to proceed in these situations. An experienced lawyer and law firm handling a case will identify the experts and examine their opinions in disclosures or reports. A knowledgeable attorney will identify important and new experts in addition to those with opinions specific to the case and shift their focus onto those. This will further strengthen a case for a favorable result. For injured parties, it is in their best interest to work with a trial attorney who understands their goals for a successful case resolution.

Why You Need an Experienced Attorney for a Personal Injury Case

Not all lawyers practicing personal injury law are trial attorneys. Some rarely set foot in the courtroom and take accident cases to trial. It is crucial that an injured party works with an attorney who has experience inside and outside the courtroom to ensure that their case is handled properly. A personal injury case must be taken seriously from the beginning and not rushed into a settlement agreement that may be far less than what the injured party deserves. The opposing party’s goal is almost always to pay the lowest amount possible, but the right attorney will maximize the case’s value through diligent efforts.

Therefore, if you have been seriously injured in a crash through no fault of your own, you need a lawyer with courtroom experience. You will receive that when you work with our legal team at We have decades of combined experience handling many types of accident cases throughout California, including Sacramento County. We encourage you to schedule a meeting with a member of our team to receive free, friendly advice on your potential case. Watch the video below to learn more about our law firm and our services.

Car Accident Lawyer in Sacramento

Only an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney will be capable of evaluating the expert landscape and making decisions for favorable case outcomes on behalf of their clients. At, our legal team does this in every case we handle. For more information about our services and to receive free, friendly advice on your potential case, we invite you to schedule a free consultation at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400. Our skilled car accident lawyers serving Sacramento are available to take your call and assist you during this difficult time.

Photo Source: SoraShimazaki on

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