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The Emotional Challenges of a Wrongful Death

Home » The Emotional Challenges of a Wrongful Death
October 17, 2019
Edward Smith

The Emotional Challenges of a Wrongful Death

The emotional challenges following the wrongful death of a loved one can be significant. In many cases, a wrongful death might have been avoided if the actions, or inaction, of another person or entity had been different. Therefore, the wrongful death of a loved can sometimes feel even worse than losing a family member due to natural causes.

In this sense, the emotions that people feel following this type of passing are also different. It is important for everyone to know that the emotions they feel are natural. Furthermore, different people will feel a variety of emotions during this process. Understanding these emotions will place people in a position to recover moving forward.

Some People Might Feel Denial

At first, one of the stages that many people will feel is denial. This often comes out of a sense of shock that their loved one has passed. In many cases, the wrongful death of a loved one occurs in the prime of someone’s life. An individual might have been the pinnacle of health and now, suddenly, is gone. For many, this situation is, literally, unbelievable.

It takes time for someone to accept the reality that their loved one has passed away. It might take even longer for someone to believe that this is a wrongful death case. For this reason, the feeling of denial is natural.

Others Might Feel Angry

It is not unusual for someone to feel angry after the wrongful death of a loved one. They believe that circumstances should have played out differently. Individuals involved should have taken different actions that would have prevented the wrongful death of their loved one. In this fashion, their loved one passed far too soon. With this in mind, it is normal to feel angry. This feeling is natural. Nobody should be taken from this world unfairly. Anger is natural in the case of a wrongful death.

Feelings of Grief Will Come and Go

As time starts to pass, people will work their way through a number of different emotional challenges. Often, these emotions feel like a roller coaster. People will think they are processing what happened and then sink back into that state of sadness. Many times, these emotions are triggered by reminders of their loved one who has passed.

Some of the examples of triggers for this grief include celebrating special occasions, such as holidays and birthdays. Other triggers might include driving past a familiar place or listening to a song that brings up memories of that person. These feelings are going to come and go. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know how to cope with these feelings.

Coping with Emotional Challenges

There are several ways that everyone should deal with the emotional challenges of a wrongful death situation. First, it is important for everyone to lean on family members and friends for help. This is a difficult situation during which everyone deserves to have help and support from those around them. Next, it is also important to seek out counseling or therapy during this situation. A professional therapist is in a position to help someone process what has happened and move through this difficult time. Finally, everyone should remember to acknowledge that this loss has occurred. The more time people spend overlooking or ignoring the loss, the longer the grief is going to last. With help, everyone can process the complicated emotions of a wrongful death situation.

Sacramento Wrongful Death Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Wrongful Death Lawyer. There can be a lot of emotional challenges following a wrongful death. Anyone who has lost a loved one due to the negligence of another person or entity should contact me at (800) 404-5400 or (916) 921-6400 to receive free, friendly legal guidance and advice.

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Citation of Image: The photo placed at the top of this article was located originally on Pixabay. The image has been printed here under the guidance of the Creative Commons License.

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