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Anderson CA Pedestrian Accidents

Home » Anderson CA Pedestrian Accidents
December 08, 2019
Edward Smith

Anderson and Pedestrian Crashes

Anderson is a great community located right in the heart of one of California’s most beautiful areas. However, like any city, Anderson does see its fair share of car accidents. While everybody should always do what they can to stay safe, pedestrians should be especially concerned with roadway safety because they are unprotected and likely to be seriously injured when crashes take place. It’s impossible to predict exactly when and where a crash will happen, but pedestrians can improve their safety by learning how to walk defensively and how crashes typically happen in their city.

Pedestrian Accidents in Anderson

According to data from UC Berkeley research groups, there were 437 total injury accidents reported in Anderson between 2007 and 2018. Just under nine percent (39) of these collisions involved a pedestrian, meaning that pedestrians were involved in car accidents more often than both bicyclists and motorcyclists.

Crashes involving pedestrians were not only accounted for nearly one in every ten Anderson accidents but also typically involved more severe injuries. While the fatality rate for accidents in Anderson is at 2.75 percent, pedestrian collisions had a rate of 5.13 percent. Furthermore, pedestrian collisions had a severe injury rate of 12.82 percent, while accidents, in general, were at 8.24 percent. In both categories, pedestrian crashes were shown to be significantly more dangerous.

Primary Causal Factor

By far, the most common primary causal factor in Anderson pedestrian accidents has been violations committed by a pedestrian. A full 46.15 percent of the 39 collisions were caused by a pedestrian who didn’t follow the rules of the road. The next-most-common causal factor was vehicles violating a pedestrians right-of-way, which accounted for 25.64 percent of accidents. After right-of-way violations, speeding vehicles were the third most common factor, causing 12.82 percent of pedestrian collisions.

Staying Safe

Pedestrians are vulnerable, but they can take steps to make themselves safer. It’s important to always remember to try to be as visible as possible while walking near traffic. If you are walking at night, wear bright clothing and take extra caution in places that are poorly lit. Pedestrians should also always try to walk predictably so that motorists can reliably predict where they can safely drive.

Calling a Lawyer

After being injured in a crash, you should always call an Anderson personal injury lawyer to talk about your situation. Even if you are unsure of whether or not you have a viable case, it’s important to have advice from a seasoned expert. Many people don’t realize that they are able to claim compensation and never receive the payments they deserve for medical bills, lost income, property damage, and other important losses.

While being injured can leave you in a very stressful place, it’s important to reach out to an attorney as soon as you can. Reckless drivers and other responsible parties are usually quick to begin building a legal defense and having a skilled attorney on your side early on can make a vital difference. If you’d like to know how you can easily find an excellent Anderson personal injury lawyer for your injury case, watch this video:

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Anderson Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, an Anderson personal injury lawyer. If you’ve been injured in a crash, contact me at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 for my free, friendly case advice.

For 37 years, my team and I have assisted Anderson area residents with claiming fair case settlements and trial verdicts in personal injury cases. To learn more about me and my practice, take some time to browse through my reviews on these popular platforms:

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