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How Do Bilateral Femur Fractures Occur?

Home » How Do Bilateral Femur Fractures Occur?
May 10, 2019
Edward Smith

How Do Bilateral Femur Fractures Occur?

The femur is one of the thickest bones in the human body, running from the hip to the knee. The femur provides support for the thigh and all of the associated structures. Some of the structures include:

  • The quadriceps muscle
  • Nerves such as the femoral and common peroneal nerves
  • Blood vessels such as the femoral artery and femoral vein

If someone suffers a femur fracture, these structures can be damaged as well. Bilateral femur fractures are particularly serious and can lead to prolonged recovery time. Some individuals may never make a full recovery. Therefore, it is essential to understand some basic information about bilateral femur fractures.

Mechanism of Bilateral Femur Fractures

Femur fractures are most commonly seen in a traumatic accident. For those who suffered a fracture of both femurs, this is most commonly seen in a motor vehicle collision. When there is an impending accident, people tend to extend both their legs at the front of the car as they slam on the brakes. If the point of impact is at the front of the vehicle, these forces travel up the legs and can lead to fractures in both legs. Some of the symptoms of a femur fracture include:

  • Pain and swelling in both legs
  • Pain that gets worse with any movement of the legs
  • Redness of the skin
  • Trouble walking
  • Bruising of the thighs

If an individual has these symptoms in both legs, he or she might have suffered bilateral femur fractures.

Treatment of Bilateral Femur Fractures

Fractures of the femur need to be treated as quickly as possible because of the complications that can develop. These include:

  • Tears in the arteries or nerves that can lead to life-threatening complications.
  • Open fractures that can lead to severe infections.
  • The development of blood clot throughout the rest of the body which could include medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary emboli.

The treatment of bilateral femur fractures starts with imaging of the legs, such as x-rays, and pain control with medications. In auto accidents, bilateral femur fractures are often displaced. This means that the bones need to be returned to their proper anatomic location. Usually, this is done with surgery. Trained surgeons will use screws and plates to put the bones together, hold them in place, and facilitate the healing process. After this, individuals typically require months of physical therapy to regain their mobility.

Watch YouTube Video: My Femur Fracture Recovery Story. This short video follows the recovery process of a young woman who suffered a femur fracture.

Contacting a Femur Fracture Lawyer

After a loved one has suffered such a serious injury, it is natural for family members to have questions. For help with these questions, speak to a femur fracture lawyer in Sacramento. Families need to keep in mind that they do not need to face the situation alone. During times of need, it is essential to ask for help. This is where meeting with a Sacramento femur fracture lawyer is vital. Your family could be owed a financial reward.

Femur Fracture Lawyers in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento femur fracture lawyer. If you or a member of your family has sustained fractures of both femurs in a motor vehicle accident, please reach out to me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I am humbled to be a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Top One Percent.

A listing of our verdicts or settlements can be seen here.

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Image by skeeze from Pixabay

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