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Blood Clots from Improper Seatbelt Use

Home » Blood Clots from Improper Seatbelt Use
March 13, 2018
Edward Smith

Blood Clots from Improper Seatbelt Use

When people ride in a car, safety should always come first. Part of this includes wearing a seat belt every time you get in a car. Furthermore, it is important to make sure that the seatbelt is worn properly. If it is not, a blood clot could form with serious consequences.

Important Points: Wearing a Seatbelt Properly

Almost everyone is taught that wearing a seatbelt is important. Seatbelts can protect someone from sustaining traumatic injuries in a car accident. Unfortunately, some people do not wear seat belts properly. This is a common problem in children. Kids should be in a car seat until they are both heavy enough and tall enough to move to a booster seat. Then, they should stay in this booster seat until they meet both the height and weight requirements for a standard seat. If children are placed in a standard seat too early, they may not be tall enough for the typical seat belt. The shoulder belt comes across the seat at a standard height. If kids aren’t tall enough to make this effective, the belt may not restrain them in a collision. Furthermore, if the seatbelt comes across the neck, this can lead to serious injuries. One of the problems that can develop from improper seatbelt use is blood clots.

Blood Clot Formation Could Cause a Stroke

The seatbelt likely comes across the neck, which can lead to damage to the carotid artery in a serious accident. To avoid damage to the carotid artery, it is important to make sure the belt does not come across the neck. Damage to the carotid artery can alter blood flow through the vessel. This alteration can lead to the formation of blood clots. Because the carotid artery carries blood to the brain, the blood clot can be carried to the brain as well. This can lead to a deadly stroke.

Treatment of Blood Clots: Some are Deadly

If someone has been diagnosed with a blood clot, this can be a deadly medical emergency. The first step is to figure out where the blood clot is. A clot in a coronary blood vessel can cause a heart attack. If the clot is in the lungs, this is a pulmonary embolism. A blood clot in the brain is termed a stroke. Once the location has been determined, treatment can start. Sometimes, this requires medications called clot busters. Other times, this might require surgery. Regardless, this can be a scary situation. Sometimes, these blood clots can lead to chronic medical problems. How is a family going to make ends meet with a loved one in the hospital?

How Can a Family Make Ends Meet with a Loved One in the Hospital?

If a loved one is in the hospital, this can place an emotional strain on a family. They may be concerned about the future health of their loved ones.  This also creates questions about finances. What happens if insurance doesn’t cover the hospital visit? What about the deductible on the health insurance policy? What is a family going to do? In these tough situations, speaking with an experienced car accident attorney can be helpful. A lawyer can help a family review all of their options. Then, a collective decision can be made in the family’s best interests.

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Car Accident Attorneys in Sacramento

I’m Ed Smith, a Car Accident Attorney in Sacramento. If you have suffered an injury in a car accident, please call me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice.

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Image Source: The car at the beginning of this article was located on Unsplash and is printed here with permission

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