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How California Bicyclists Can Stay Safe

Home » How California Bicyclists Can Stay Safe
January 04, 2018
Edward Smith

How California Bicyclists Can Stay Safe

Bicyclists Safety in California

It is important that bicyclists and motorists work together to keep the roads safe. More than ever, people are using bicycles to get to work and school or for exercise. This surge has resulted in greater numbers of cyclists who are injured or killed. There are things that can be done to remedy this.

The Problem

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there was a 64 percent increase in the number of Americans who use bicycles to get around in the decade between 2000 and 2012. While bicycle accidents only make up 2 percent of the total number of serious injuries and deaths, the results of an accident can be horrific due to the cyclists lack of physical protection. Overall, visibility is an important factor in a large number of bicycle accidents. This is followed by riding while impaired and not using a helmet.

Sacramento Bicycle Injuries and Deaths

Nationwide, 835 cyclists died in 2016. This is the highest number of fatalities since the year 1991. It is also a 1 percent increase over the deaths in 2015. In Sacramento, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety, 231 cyclists were either injured or killed in 2015. Of these, 18 of the deaths involved children under the age of 15. Most of the deaths occurred in urban areas in California and around the nation by a ratio of 71-percent urban accidents to 29-percent rural. Only 36 percent happened at intersections. Statistics presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that cyclists suffered 467,000 injuries in 2015.

How To Remedy the Problem

With approximately 80 million cyclists on the roads in the United States, it is important to know how to stay safe. Some things bicyclists can do are:

  • Wear a helmet. Seventy-four percent of all bicycle deaths involve head injuries. Since 97 percent of those who died in this way were not wearing a helmet, it stands to reason that doing so saves lives. The construction of a helmet is important since it must meet federal standards. Investigate before you buy. Use the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website for comprehensive information.
  • Learn the laws concerning bicycles in your area.
  • Don’t drink and ride.
  • Always ride in the same direction as other traffic.
  • Don’t hang onto a motor vehicle to hitch a ride.
  • Look out for cars that might be ready to open their door.
  • Carefully look both ways before entering traffic.
  • Use reflectors on your bike, and wear reflective clothing at night.
  • Make sure your headlight works.

Motorist Responsibility

Motorists still outnumber cyclists and have the ability to do a lot of damage in a collision. Here are some rules motorists should drive by:

  • Give the bicyclist enough room. In California, you are required to provide at least three feet. This might mean waiting until it is possible to move over.
  • Check to see if a bicyclist is coming before opening your vehicle’s door. Abruptly doing so does not give a cyclist enough time to get out of the way.
  • Check to see a bicyclist is not on your right when making a right turn.
  • Don’t let a cell phone conversation distract you from watching for cyclists.

Sacramento Bicycle Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento bicycle accident lawyer. When bicycle accidents happen, catastrophic injuries often occur. The financial ramifications are enormous as medical costs mount. If you suffered serious injuries by a negligent driver, you have every right to be compensated. For free, friendly advise call me anytime at (916) 921-6400 locally or dial (800) 404-5400 if you are outside the calling area. If it’s easier, you can reach me online.

I’ve practiced law in Sacramento and Northern California for over 35 years. I’ve helped residents with wrongful death claims and traumatic injuries get the monetary compensation that they need and deserve.

I am a member of the Million Dollar Advocates. This group reserves membership for trial attorneys with a record of $1 million in client settlements and verdicts.

Searching for information about what an injury lawyer is can help a person make an informed decision about who to call. Reviews on my legal practice are found at Avvo, Google and Yelp.

At my website,, you can also look over the page titled Verdicts and Settlements. This page contains a list of cases and their results.

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