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Auto Accidents



GRANT LINE BRIDGE OPENS TODAY IN ELK GROVE WHO:                City of Elk Grove WHAT:        …

West Sac TBD Fest

West Sac TBD Fest

2015 West Sacramento TBD Fest WHAT IS IT? The 2015 Tower Bridge District Festival (TBD Fest) is three amped up days of local eats (with…

Elk Grove Lowering Speed Limit

Elk Grove Lowering Speed Limit

Elk Grove Lowering Speed Limit The City of Elk Grove had their city council meeting on September 9, 2015.  In that meeting, council members unanimously…

Citrus Heights WaterSmart Workshop

Citrus Heights has reduced its water consumption by nearly 42 percent. It is always a good thing when people come together to teach citizens new…



Calling all bicyclists and pedestrians in Citrus Heights! A grant has been awarded to the City of Citrus Heights. This grant will be used to…

Rancho Cordova Neighborhood Grateful

Rancho Cordova Neighborhood Grateful

Rancho Cordova Neighborhood Grateful The Rancho Cordova community where Negrara Way is situated is finally quiet, serene and peaceful once again. Neighbors in this area…

Multiple Trauma

Multiple Trauma

Multiple Trauma High-velocity trauma is a major cause of death among those aged 18-44 years of age throughout the world.  Many die from blunt trauma…

Rancho Cordova Curbs Crime

Rancho Cordova Curbs Crime

Rancho Cordova Curbs Crime Last November the citizens of Rancho Cordova voted to pay for the formation of a new crime suppression unit. What is…

Ordering West Sacramento Accident Reports

Ordering West Sacramento Police Reports The following information was provided by Janice and Kim of West Sacramento Police Department and the Edward A Smith Law…

West Sacramento Traffic Safety

West Sacramento Traffic Safety The City of West Sacramento along with the West Sacramento Police Department wants to encourage motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists to observe…

New Creek and Trail for Rancho Cordova

New Rancho Cordova Creek and Trail  The County of Sacramento is partnering with other agencies including Rancho Cordova to renovate a creek.  They will also…

Elk Grove Commute Time Accident

Elk Grove Commute Time Accident Just as folks were headed out to enjoy the Labor Day weekend, an auto accident occurred leaving three people injured….

Elk Grove Considers Light Rail

Elk Grove Considers Light Rail On August 26, 2015, the Elk Grove City Council approved an agreement to collaborate with Sacramento Regional Transit (RT) to…

Elk Grove New Assistant Police Chief

Elk Grove New Assistant Police Chief

Elk Grove Has a New Assistant Police Chief Bryan Noblett has been promoted to assistant police chief. He was formerly a police captain for the…

Rancho Cordova Fatal Crash

Rancho Cordova Fatal Crash The Traffic Division of the Rancho Cordova Police Department is seeking witnesses to come forward in a fatal crash that occurred…