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Drunk Driving

In Laymen’s Terms, What does “personal injury” mean?

In Laymen’s Terms, What does “personal injury” mean?

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento personal injury attorney since 1982. Many people over the years have asked me what a “personal injury” actually is. Legally,…

Screening Truckers for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Screening Truckers for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The trucking industry has been concerned about obstructive sleep apnea in commercial driver for many decades. With sleep apnea, the trucker gets poor sleep that…

Spinal Injuries in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Spinal Injuries in Motor Vehicle Accidents

The first study looks at the total count per year of spinal injuries in automobile crashes using data from 1994 to 2011. It looked at…

Sleep Disordered Breathing and Traffic Accidents in Truckers

Sleep Disordered Breathing and Traffic Accidents in Truckers

Sleepiness is just as risky to a driver as is drinking and driving. Bring sleepy is dangerous to the driver and to the other people…

Is employer liable for employee who becomes drunk at a holiday party?

Is employer liable for employee who becomes drunk at a holiday party?

With the holidays around the corner there will be a lot of annual company holiday parties. What this means is employers need to weigh the…

An Analysis of Crashes at Intersections

An Analysis of Crashes at Intersections

There is a high incidence of crashes at intersections, which represent areas where two or more roads intersect with one another. Cars must do things…