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Blunt Trauma

Injuries to Children from Trains

Injuries to Children from Trains

Children have a higher likelihood of being injured or killed from trains than adults. They like to play on train tracks and have a lesser…

Automobile Finger Amputations

Automobile Finger Amputations

Fingertip accidents are commonplace amputations at home or on the job. Fingertips can slam in doors, in car doors, while chopping food or when clearing…

Train Accident Statistics

Train Accident Statistics

Approximately every 115 minutes, someone or something is struck by a train; almost 50 % of all collisions happen at railroad crossings when the automatic…

Traumatic Hemipelvectomy

Traumatic Hemipelvectomy

Traumatic hemipelvectomies are rare traumatic injuries with a forty percent mortality rate. It happens when half of the pelvis from the pubic symphysis to the…

Motor Vehicle Rollover Accidents

Motor Vehicle Rollover Accidents

Motor vehicle rollover accidents are accidents in which the motor vehicle ends up on its side or on its back. In other words, there is…

Unique Injuries in Motorcyclists

Unique Injuries in Motorcyclists

Motorcyclists are in a unique position as riders on the road. They ride on two wheels, which is an inherently unstable position. They ride without…

Guardrail Crashes

Guardrail Crashes

Guardrails are found on roads and are designed to keep vehicles from traveling into an area more dangerous than the road. They often deflect the…

Fitness to Drive after Accidents

Fitness to Drive after Accidents

Some patients with traumatic brain injury secondary to a motor vehicle accident will recover to the point where they wish to drive again. It is…

Long-term Implications of Head Injuries

Long-term Implications of Head Injuries

Head injuries, particularly traumatic brain injuries, are a common complication of motor vehicle accidents; some people recover fully from their traumatic brain injury or have…

Traumatic Brain Injury & Aggression

Traumatic Brain Injury & Aggression

Traumatic brain injury is a common cause of permanent disability in patients who have had a severe automobile accident. The injury can affect mood, speech,…

Pediatric Basilar Skull Fractures

Pediatric Basilar Skull Fractures

Two studies were done to look at various aspects of basilar skull fractures in children. These are fractures through the inferior part of the brain…

Burns from Motor Vehicles

Burns from Motor Vehicles

People can sustain burns and heat-related injuries from their motor vehicle. Children, pets and the elderly are at the highest risk of injury. Such injuries…

Older Motorcyclists’ Injuries

Older Motorcyclists’ Injuries

In the last decade, there has been a significant change in who rides motorcycles. Fewer young people are owning motorcycles, while the number of motorcyclists…