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Deadly DUI Accidents in Fairfield and Solano County

Home » Deadly DUI Accidents in Fairfield and Solano County
July 13, 2020
Edward Smith

Deadly DUI Accidents in Solano County and Fairfield

Even with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, people in the Fairfield area are still finding ways to get out and enjoy the summer. While it’s great to spend a day in the sun, it can be dangerous driving on local roads if others are operating vehicles irresponsibly. Sadly, the Fairfield Police Department (FPD) and other local agencies issue many citations for driving under the influence every summer. In order to improve their safety on local roads, drivers can educate themselves about deadly DUI accidents in Fairfield and Solano County.

Collisions Overview

According to government-reported data, there were 21,935 crashes that caused injuries in Solano between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2019. Out of these accidents, 7,470 (well over a quarter) happened in the city of Fairfield. Altogether, Solano County accidents resulted in 30,882 injuries and 440 deaths during this period. This means that county-wide, around 1.87 percent of car accidents involved a fatal injury. In Fairfield alone, the fatality rate for traumatic accidents was around 1.12 percent.

DUI Accidents

In both Solano and Fairfield, driving under the influence of intoxicating substances was the fourth most common primary causal factor of car accidents, preceded by speeding, right-of-way violations, and dangerous turns. Altogether, there were 2,368 DUI collisions in Solano, 643 of which happened in Fairfield.

Severity of Fairfield DUIs

Crashes involving DUI that happened in Fairfield had a much higher rate of fatal injuries than accidents overall. While the fatality rate for Fairfield crashes was at 1.12 percent, DUI accidents involved deadly trauma at a rate of nearly five percent. These statistics show that crashes involving an intoxicated motorist were almost five times more likely to cost someone their life.

DUI and Liability

People who get behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence put themselves and others in serious danger. Because of this, impaired drivers are usually considered negligent in the event of a car crash and are liable to pay compensation to injured parties or their families.

However, impaired drivers may not be the only liable parties. In many cases, parties responsible for supplying the driver with access to a vehicle or alcohol may share liability. For instance, a rental car company that provided a vehicle to a clearly intoxicated driver can often be considered an at-fault party to an accident.

Calling an Attorney

People who have lost somebody that they care about in a car crash typically experience intense grief and may worry about how they will be able to move on with their lives after such a traumatic loss. One of the most important things you can do to make sure that you and your family recover financially is to reach out to a Fairfield wrongful death lawyer and ask about filing a wrongful death case. To learn more about wrongful death cases, take a minute to watch this short video:

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Fairfield Wrongful Death Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Fairfield wrongful death lawyer. People who’ve lost loved ones in fatal accidents deserve help. For free, friendly case advice after a deadly car crash, call me at either (800) 404-5400 or (707) 564-1900.

I have been helping people in Fairfield with major injury claims and wrongful death cases for 38 years and have obtained many settlements and verdicts for my clients. The websites below include reviews written by the clients I’ve worked with:

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