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Elder Abuse Still Significantly Under-Reported

Home » Elder Abuse Still Significantly Under-Reported
June 13, 2019
Edward Smith

Elder Abuse Is Vastly Under-Reported

Elder abuse is a devastating problem that impacts friends, loved ones, and the healthcare system as a whole. Over the past few years, there have been numerous reports of elder abuse. Some types of elder abuse include:

According to a recent article that was published by National Public Radio (NPR), this type of abuse is still terribly unreported. Two recent studies by the Department of Health and Humans Services show that suspicions of abuse are still not being reported to the appropriate authorities.

The Results of the Two Studies on Elder Abuse

According to the studies, even in cases of apparent neglect or abuse that require medical attention, the cases are not being reported. The first study focused on the reasons why nursing home residents need visits to emergency rooms. The report looked through the claims that were sent to Medicare. Some of the Medicare claims that could be indicative of abuse include:

  • Head injuries
  • Bruises on the body
  • Severe bed sores
  • Burn injuries

Less than 20 percent of these cases were reported to the appropriate investigative agencies. This issue isn’t just limited to the residents of nursing homes.

The second study looked at Medicare claims not just in emergency rooms but in the medical system as a whole. This study took place for about two years. According to data from the study, there should have been nearly 30,000 cases of elder abuse reported to the proper authorities. Unfortunately, less than a third of such cases were reported.

The Reasons Why Mandatory Reporting is Necessary

When medical issues arise that are suspicious for abuse, it is essential for these cases to be reported. It is better to be on the safe side and over-report than to under-report and place individuals at risk. If there is even a suspicion that elder abuse might have occurred, it needs to be reported immediately. The reason why is because:

  • The sooner it is reported, the faster it can be investigated.
  • If there is one case of abuse in a nursing home, there could be others.
  • The abuse could have been going on for a long time, and that individual could require extensive care.

Sadly, as these two studies show, cases of abuse are just not reported appropriately. This could leave families searching for answers, wondering what they should do next.

Watch YouTube Video: Protection from Elder Financial Abuse. Fox 40 reports on elder financial abuse and what you can do to prevent it from happening to your loved one.

Relying on a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Families trust nursing homes to take care of their elderly loved ones with the care and compassion that they deserve. When these healthcare facilities fall short, it is crucial to hold them accountable. That is where the help of a nursing home abuse lawyer in Sacramento is vital. A compassionate attorney can review the records from the nursing home, analyze the medical records, and help families consider their options. No family should have to deal with this challenging situation by themselves. Work with an experienced Sacramento injury lawyer. You and your family might be deserving of a financial award.

Sacramento Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer. Nursing homes are expected to take care of our elderly loved ones.  If you suspect that one of your loved ones has experienced elder abuse in a nursing home, please reach out to me at (800) 404-5400 or (916) 921-6400 to receive free and friendly legal guidance and advice.

I’m humbled to be a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum & of the Top One Percent, which is a National Association of Distinguished Counsel.

Please take some time to go through the catalog of our earlier verdicts & settlements as well as our client comments on Avvo, Yelp, and Google.

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