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Folsom Single-Vehicle Accident Results in Traffic Fatality

Home » Folsom Single-Vehicle Accident Results in Traffic Fatality
August 07, 2020
Edward Smith

Highway 50 Single-Vehicle Crash Ends With Traffic Fatality in Folsom

A traffic fatality occurred in Folsom on August 6 in a single-vehicle crash. The accident happened along eastbound Highway 50 east of Bidwell Road around 4:25 in the morning. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) and paramedics with the Sacramento Fire Department discovered that a vehicle had exited the roadway and gone down an embankment. 

Person Involved in Traffic Fatality Killed Crossing the Highway

An individual in the vehicle reportedly exited the car and tried to cross over the traffic lanes. That party, 37-year-old Crystal Mora of Sacramento, was hit and killed by a passing vehicle. Paramedics themselves had difficulties reaching the site of the traffic fatality because of the location. The CHP is investigating the accident to determine how it occurred. 

Single-Vehicle Accidents That Cause a Traffic Fatality

The majority of single-vehicle accidents that result in fatalities are due to driver error. They can include falling asleep behind the wheel, intoxication, distracted driving, and other reasons. However, outside influences can also result in a traffic fatality that involves only one vehicle. Some of these outside influences include:

  • Government negligence from lack of maintenance can lead to a single-vehicle traffic fatality. Faulty or aged guardrails, potholes, poor lighting, and cracks in the pavement can all lead to a collision for the unsuspecting driver. If government negligence proves to be the cause of the collision, it is important to engage the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer in Folsom as soon as possible because the timeline to file is short.
  • Mechanical problems caused by a defect can cause a traffic fatality involving a sole vehicle. This can range from a defective tire that blows out to problems with the brakes, accelerator or steering. In some cases, airbags have been known to inflate for no reason, leading to a crash. The manufacturer and others can be held liable through a product liability lawsuit.
  • Reckless drivers can cause another vehicle to have an accident when they run a traffic light, speed or cut in and out of traffic.
  • Aggressive drivers may intentionally cut off another driver, causing a traffic fatality. They are also known to tailgate, try to force another motorist off the road and other behaviors.

Family Grief After a Loved One’s Death

Dealing with the aftermath of a loved one’s death is devastating for families, especially if it was unexpected. Not only has the loved one passed away, but it might happen in an unexpected and untimely way due to someone’s negligence. Life is precious, and taking it away prematurely in this fashion is wrong. Our firm tries to right that wrong by bringing justice to the grieving family. We also help them through this frequently difficult financial period by filing a wrongful death claim, which provides the monetary support they need. 

Conducting a Single-Vehicle Traffic Fatality Investigation

Determining whether a single-vehicle accident was caused by driver error or by an outside influence makes the difference in whether the family can obtain compensation for their loss. Our experienced investigators head out to collect the evidence to support a client’s claim before it disappears or is covered up when traffic begins to move again in the area. Some of the areas where an investigation is conducted include:

  • Examining the report by the police for errors
  • Talking to the witnesses to find out what they saw and see if anyone recorded the accident on their cell phone
  • Performing accident reconstruction, which includes taking photos of the vehicles and area 
  • Looking for roadway and traffic surveillance cameras that might have captured the accident on film
  • Checking for signs of government negligence that might have led to the accident fatality

Once the evidence has all been gathered, it is given to the lawyers, who use it to construct a strong case that benefits our client and proves negligence by another individual or entity. The evidence can be used when dealing with an insurance company for the financial amount our client deserves or in preparing a court case.

Folsom Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Folsom personal injury lawyer. You are welcome to call me for my free and friendly advice at (916) 921-6400 in the Folsom area or (800) 404-5400 if you are phoning long-distance. An online contact form is also available.

I’ve helped get compensation for many Folsom residents since 1982 in areas including traffic crashes, cases involving wrongful deaths, government claims, and all types of traumas such as brain injuries

I’m a member of the Top 1 Percent and Million Dollar Forum.

Look over cases my firm has handled and client reviews at:

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