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Correcting Muscle Imbalance Can Reduce Pain

Home » Correcting Muscle Imbalance Can Reduce Pain
August 29, 2019
Edward Smith

Correcting Muscle Imbalance Can Reduce Pain

Chronic pain is a common problem in the United States and, for many people, this might be due to an issue called muscle imbalance. By correcting this imbalance, those who suffer from chronic pain can relieve their discomfort and restore muscle function. This pain impacts millions of people across the country. Research has shown that about a third of people in the United States suffer from some sort of chronic pain. There are many reasons why individuals might be living with pain. In some situations, it may be due to a serious injury following an auto accident. In other situations, this pain might have developed gradually over time due to chronic disease. Regardless of the reason, it is important to formulate a comprehensive treatment strategy that can help individuals reduce their discomfort and improve their quality of life.

An Overview of Chronic Pain Treatment

Pain is often divided into two categories. The first category is termed acute pain, which typically starts due to a traumatic injury. While this pain can be severe, it is relatively short-lived, which makes it easier to manage. Once this acute pain fades away, people resume their lives and pick up where they left off.

Sometimes, the pain doesn’t fade away, leading to chronic discomfort. This means that the pain is long-lived and might last for days, weeks, months, or even years. In some cases, people suffer from chronic pain that ends up lasting for the rest of their life. Fortunately, there are treatment options available.

When someone visits a doctor for chronic pain, there exists a variety of treatment options that the doctor might prescribe. Traditional medical management typically entails a combination of anti-inflammatory medications with stronger options for severe pain. These other medications include narcotic and opioid prescriptions. Unfortunately, these medicines do have their side effects and can be addictive in nature.

For this reason, the doctor will also recommend non-pharmacologic treatment options. These can include options such as massage therapy, nerve stimulation, counseling, and physical therapy. This is where muscle imbalance can be part of an effective treatment strategy to address chronic pain.

Chronic Pain: The Role of Muscle Imbalance

The human body is made up of an array of muscles that are attached to various bones and joints throughout the body. When these muscles contract, parts of the body are pulled in a certain direction. By coordinating these muscle movements, people can move their body in a purposeful way and accomplish various tasks.

In order for the human body to work properly, these muscles need to be balanced. The length and strength of muscles that move the body in one direction must be balanced by muscles that do the exact same thing only in the opposite direction. If this balance is disturbed, muscle imbalance will develop.

As people progress from adolescence into adulthood, they start to develop a routine. They might start to use certain muscles more than others. This is understandable. In addition to athletic activity, muscles are also used in daily tasks such as typing, putting away groceries, picking up a child, and even sitting in a chair. All of these activities can lead to muscle imbalance.

These repetitive tasks strengthen some muscles while leaving others weak. As this muscle imbalance develops, the body might have a hard time adapting. If this imbalance is not addressed quickly, it will lead to discomfort which can manifest as chronic pain.

How is this Imbalance Corrected?

Fortunately, there are ways that people can correct this imbalance and improve their discomfort. A dedicated team of physical therapists is able to perform a comprehensive assessment and figure out which muscles are imbalanced. Then, an exercise program can be put together that will help people strengthen the various muscles that are weak, helping to balance them against the muscles that are already strong. Some of the common tips used to correct and avoid muscle imbalance include:

  • Make sure to exercise one side of the body at a time so that each muscle group is isolated. As an example, work out the right arm and the left arm separately. This will prevent the stronger side from dominating the exercise.
  • During the course of the workout, ensure that every muscle group is targeted. This will prevent one group of muscles from overpowering its balancing side.
  • Ensure that each side of the body exercises with the same weight. If the right biceps performs a biceps curl with a certain weight, the left side should use the same weight. This will prevent the weak side from deteriorating.
  • Work with a trainer or physical therapist to learn new exercises with proper form. This ensures that each rep does its job without risking injury.

With proper workout regimens and the help of medical specialists, muscle imbalance can be corrected. This exercise routine can play a crucial part in helping someone recover from chronic pain. As discomfort improves, so will someone’s overall quality of life.

Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento personal injury lawyer. Chronic pain is a serious issue which can be corrected by working on muscle imbalance. If you or someone you care for has been suffering from severe, daily discomfort due to the negligence of another individual or entity, please reach out to my office today at (916) 921-6400 or by using (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I’m honored to be an attorney in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum,  a group of injury lawyers who have achieved settlements as well as earned verdicts calculated to be worth more than $1 million for their clients.

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Citation of Photo: The picture placed at the top of this article was located first on Pixabay. It has been shown here with the permission of the Creative Common License.

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