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North Highlands Pedestrian Injured by Motorcycle Rider

Home » North Highlands Pedestrian Injured by Motorcycle Rider
August 05, 2022
Edward Smith

Pedestrian Reports Being Struck by Motorcyclist on Brock Drive

A motorcycle rider reportedly caused injuries to a North Highlands pedestrian on August 3 after striking them and then fleeing the scene. The accident occurred around 11:07 a.m. in a residential area along Brock Drive, which is between Thomas Drive and Holiday Way. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) incident report said that the pedestrian called in the accident to authorities.

Authorities Seek Fleeing Motorcycle Rider

Medics with the Sacramento Fire Department were sent to the accident site to assess the pedestrian’s injuries. It was not reported whether the pedestrian was treated at the scene or transported to a hospital for additional care. An investigation into the injury accident is being conducted.

Pedestrian Accidents Involving a Motorcycle Rider

Whether or not a pedestrian can claim compensation following a collision with a motorcycle rider depends on several factors. When placing a claim, the pedestrian may be accused of negligence by the motorcyclist’s lawyer, preventing them from recovering compensation. Some of the questions that might arise include:

  • Was the pedestrian using a crosswalk when they were struck by the motorcycle rider?
  • Was the pedestrian easy to spot? That is, were they wearing easily visible clothing during the day or light-colored clothing at night?
  • Was the pedestrian alert to traffic when crossing? In other words, were they distracted by listening to a radio or texting at the time the accident happened?
  • Was the pedestrian walking across the street against the light?

The former are all questions that might be brought up by the motorcyclist’s insurance company or legal counsel in an effort to discredit the person on foot who was injured. This demonstrates why a pedestrian injured by a negligent motorcycle rider can benefit from the assistance of an accident attorney. The accident attorney can collect the evidence needed to support the injured person’s case and present a compelling argument that can help the pedestrian collect the compensation they deserve. 

How Can an Injury Lawyer Support My Claim for Compensation?

Evidence is needed to provide support for anyone’s case when they’ve been injured in an accident and want to recover compensation. When a motorcycle rider was the cause of an injury to a pedestrian, some of the areas where evidence can be gathered in an investigation include:

  • If the accident was a hit-and-run, the lawyer could send out investigators to collect evidence to identify the fleeing driver.
  • Accident reconstruction is performed, which shows the positioning of the pedestrian in relation to the motorcycle rider and how the crash happened.
  • Reviewing the police report can ensure its accuracy and provide additional information in some cases.
  • Nearby business and traffic surveillance cameras may have filmed the accident as it happened, especially if it occurred in an intersection. Video of the collision not only provides proof of fault but can help identify the vehicle and rider.
  • Witnesses to the accident can corroborate the presence of a hit-and-run driver, and in some instances, one of them filmed the collision on their cell phone as it happened or as the motorcycle rider was leaving the scene.

North Highlands Personal Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a North Highlands personal injury lawyer. Anytime a pedestrian is involved in a traffic collision, severe injuries often occur. If negligence by another was the cause of your trauma, contact us at (916) 921-6400 for our free and friendly advice on whether you can file a claim to recover damages. We can also be contacted either at (800) 404-5400 or by sending us an online message.

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Photo attribution: Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay 

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