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Orangevale Intersection Accident Results in Head Injury

Home » Orangevale Intersection Accident Results in Head Injury
December 03, 2019
Edward Smith

Orangevale Intersection Accident Results in Head Injury

An intersection accident in Orangevale resulted in a head injury on November 26 at slightly before 4:00 in the afternoon. The traffic collision occurred at the intersection of Madison Avenue and Pershing Avenue when a white Toyota sedan and a grey Toyota collided. The California Highway Traffic Patrol (CHP) was called to the scene and is in charge of investigating the crash. Emergency responders with the Sacramento Fire Department reported that one female suffered a head injury, but the severity of it is not yet known. According to reports, the woman was transported to a local medical facility for evaluation and possible treatment. The two vehicles were blocking the intersection, and a tow truck was also requested to remove the white Toyota. There is no word if drugs or alcohol were involved in this intersection accident. 

Intersection Accident Statistics

Intersections are the scene of 50 percent of accidents in urban areas and 30 percent of those occurring in rural spots. While accidents happen routinely at intersections with a stop sign or a red light, they happen more frequently when neither are available. Pedestrians and cyclists suffer significant injuries due to their lack of physical protection. Older individuals sometimes have a harder time negotiating an intersection, and the rate of injury is higher in senior drivers and pedestrians. For example, those 70 years old and older have 40 percent of accidents in an intersection, while those in the 35-54 age group experience just 23 percent.  

Reasons for Intersection Accidents

There are various reasons for intersection accidents such as:

  • Driver error is the chief reason for intersection accidents.
  • Reckless drivers cause a high number of crashes at intersections.
  • Left turning vehicles are responsible for many collisions at an intersection. 
  • Right turns at an intersection cause accidents when the driver ignores pedestrians or cyclists next to them. 
  • Running a red light is responsible for many intersection deaths. 
  • Non-functioning traffic lights cause accidents.
  • Poorly maintained signs are the cause of many accidents. This can be due to excess foliage hiding the sign or signs that are not readable due to lack of care.

Driver Error and Distraction Are Key Reasons

Some of the main reasons that intersection accidents occur are due to problems that are increasing nationwide. One problem involves driver distraction. This occurs when the motorist is focusing on other things rather than the road. These things include: texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, or eating. Poor driving habits are also responsible for many intersection collisions. An example of this includes a driver who refuses to yield the right of way to another motorist, a walker, cyclist, or pedestrian. Running a red light is one of the main reasons for intersection accidents. This can be due to driver distraction or because the motorist feels they are the only one on the road who deserves courtesy. 

How an Attorney Can Help

If you are involved in an accident at an intersection, you need the help of an injury attorney. Our firm understands that many factors are involved in intersection accidents, and we dispatch our investigative team to the site as soon as possible. Our team looks for evidence that supports negligence on the part of another motorist or a government entity. This ranges from driver error to the lack of proper signage to reckless driving. If a government agency is involved, we look into the design of the intersection, whether maintenance is adequate or if traffic lights are functioning the way they should. Our investigative team also interviews witnesses and obtain videos from traffic light cameras or nearby businesses. We also look over police reports to see if errors have been made. Once all data has been collected, our investigative team makes it available to our attorneys to craft a strong case for the client.

Orangevale Auto Accident Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, an Orangevale auto accident injury lawyer. Intersection accidents are not just common, they are also dangerous. You need to have a lawyer at your side to ensure that you are able to pay your medical bills, cover lost wages, and help you obtain compensation for your pain and suffering. Call me at (916) 921-6400 or at (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly advice. It is also possible to reach out to me online if that is more convenient for you.

I’ve helped Sacramento residents since 1982 with pedestrian and traumatic injuries, wrongful deaths, and brain trauma.

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