Chico Fatal Multi Vehicle Crash
Chico Fatal Multi Vehicle Crash Chico Fatal Multi Vehicle Crash I’m Ed Smith, a Chico auto accident lawyer. A fatal crash involving four vehicles along…
Fatal Interstate 5 Accident
Deadly Accident on Interstate 5 Authorities from the Stockton Police Department indicated to KCRA News that a man died tragically after being involved in an auto…
Driver Hits Skateboarding Student
Driver Hits Skateboarding Student I’m Ed Smith, a hit and run injury attorney. A Del Campo High School student was seriously injured in a hit and run…
Holiday Drinking
Holiday Drinking Holiday Drinking I’m Ed Smith, a Natomas personal injury attorney. Tis’ the Season to be Merry and that means lots of holiday celebrations….
Sacramento Hit and Run Involving Taxi
Sacramento Hit and Run Involving Taxi Sacramento Hit and Run Involving Taxi I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento taxi accident lawyer. On the morning of Friday,…
Weber Fracture
Weber Fracture Weber Fracture While cars are a convenient mode of transportation, there are inherent risks any time someone gets behind the wheel. There is…
San Tomas Expressway Accident Today Fatal Crash
Fatal Street Racing Crash I’m Ed Smith, a Brentwood auto accident attorney. Two motorists were street racing one another on San Tomas Expressway in Santa Clara…
Elk Grove Dog Attack
Young Girl Suffered Injuries in Dog Attack Last week, five-year-old Kaylee Bryant suffered minor injuries after a neighbor’s dog charged at her while walking through…
Highway 4 Pursuit Driver Crashes
Highway 4 Pursuit Driver Crashes I’m Ed Smith, an Antioch auto accident lawyer. Sheriff’s deputies were involved in a hot pursuit with a motorist driving…
Health Risks Of Living Near a Chicken Farm
Unknown Hazards Living Near Poultry Farms Many people in the Central Valley have seen the large clouds of dust around chicken and turkey farms, especially…
Car Accidents in Davis
Car Accidents in Davis Car Accidents in Davis I’m Ed Smith, a Davis auto accident lawyer. Injuries sustained in serious motor vehicle accidents can be…
Brain Bleeding Symptoms
Symptoms of a Brain Bleed Many people use cars for the work commute, the drive to school, and for pleasure transportation. Unfortunately, there is always…
Car Hits Modesto Pedestrian
Car Hits Modesto Pedestrian Car Hits Modesto Pedestrian I’m Ed Smith, a Modesto auto accident lawyer. A pedestrian was crossing a street in Modesto when he was…
Fractured Eye Socket
Fractured Eye Socket Fractured Eye Socket Anyone who has been in a car accident knows the severity of these collisions can range from a simple…
Tracy Minivan Hits CHP SUV
Minivan Collides with CHP SUV A minivan driver was involved in a motor vehicle accident with a police SUV on the late afternoon of Monday,…
When Chronic Pain Prevents Employment
Dealing with Chronic Pain Having helped seriously injured clients since 1982, I am familiar with the devastation caused by chronic pain due to vehicle crashes and…