Phantom Limbs Post Amputation
Post amputation of a limb, the human brain may create a neuromatrix. This neuromatrix in the brain can cause the person who lost their limb to…
How to Use Essential Oils
It seems more and more of us are wanting to use multiple approaches to our health. We still call our primary MD or see an…
Giving Up the Car Keys
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Growing older presents many obstacles and for the fortunate who live long lives in relative good health, unavoidably there comes gradual losses…
Drowsy Drivers
The data accumulated by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that drowsy drivers are just as dangerous as drivers who are drunk…
Elk Grove, CA – Dog Bite Law
With Elk Grove’s upcoming Dog Days of Summer Picnic 2015, it’s important to keep the following ordinances in mind for the safety of everyone who…
Seat Belt Use for the Expecting Mother
Should I wear my seat belt while pregnant? If an expectant mother has been online, it may be she has come across articles mentioning the…
Umbilical Cord Prolapse Due to Premature Birth
It is rare for pregnant women to experience vaginal cord prolapse. Of the 1 in 300 cases that this happens, most vaginal cord prolapses are for reasons…
Trauma and Pregnancy
With trauma and pregnancy, the trauma has two patients to manage—the mother and the unborn fetus. The various things done in dealing with a pregnant…
Facial Trauma
Facial trauma has been studied by many major institutions. In one study of more than 10,000 people with facial injuries, it was found that 38…
Accidental Drownings in Swimming Pools
A backyard swimming pool is a wonderful opportunity for family exercise and recreation, and a spa is a great way for adults and kids to…
Give Bikes Three Feet
Did you know that as of September 16, 2014, California motorist have been required to “give bikes three feet” when passing in the same direction…
Bicycle Helmet Laws
By the late 1980s, states in the U.S. began adopting a variety of bicycle helmet laws to improve safety and reduce serious injuries. Studies have…
California Leads in Dog Bite Claims
Dog Bite Claims in California A recent study revealed California has the largest number of dog bite claims in the U.S….
Low Amniotic Fluid after a Car Accident
In my practice, I have seen on more than one occasion, pregnant women diagnosed with low amniotic fluid after a car accident. In some cases,…
I’m Pregnant and Just Got in a Car Accident
Without a doubt, most expectant mother’s will go to their OBGYN, an emergency room or an urgent care center after a car accident. The overall health…
Workers Comp Death Benefits in California
It can be overwhelming when your loved one dies in a workplace accident. In addition to the immense sorrow and struggle to meet each new…