Train Accident Injuries and Liability
The Recent Amtrac train accident in Pennsylvania has brought to the fore the problems of the government limiting liability for Railroad accidents. Federal Law passed…
National Dog Bite Prevention Week
It’s National dog bite prevention week, May 17 – 23. The CDC reported 4.5 million people in the U.S. were bitten by dogs last year. …
Sacramento, CA Ranks High with Dog Attacks on Postal Service Carriers
Dog attacks most frequently occur on small children, the elderly and Postal Service carriers. Dog bites to postal workers continue to rise every year. The…
What if I don’t know who owns the dog that bit me?
If you were bitten by a dog and don’t know who owns the dog, contact animal control as soon as possible and file a report….
Hot Air Balloon Accidents
Riding in a hot air balloon can be an exhilarating and once in a lifetime experience. But despite its tranquility and sight seeing potential, there…
Crash Avoidance Systems
Crash avoidance features are quickly making their way into many motor vehicles. Several of the most common new technologies are forward collision warning, auto brake,…
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving has become an all-too-common and dangerous problem on California highways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has named aggressive driving as a…
Retinal Detachment from Trauma
The retina is the layer of light-sensitive tissue within the eye that give us sight. It contains the “rod” and “cone” receptors and the nerves…
Tinnitus from Neck and Head Injuries
Tinnitus — a chronic condition of ringing or other sounds in the ears, the symptoms of which can range from annoying to disabling — can…
Young Drivers
Young drivers are involved in more collisions than more experienced drivers, and that is reflected in their insurance rates. Safe driving involves good judgment. Risk…
Treating Headaches Naturally
Some of my clients that have sustained severe neck injuries, traumatic brain injuries or TMJ due to their face striking the steering wheel may suffer…
Concussions In Children
Concussions or other traumatic brain injury are injuries that are not visibly evident. Insurance companies often claim that absent a visible injury no compensation…
Unwitnessed Accident? Maybe not!
I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer and over the years many clients have come to me with serious injuries and no witnesses to the…
The Corroborating Witness
Most of us know the rules of conduct following a minor auto accident: pull over out of the way of traffic and exchange insurance information…
Common Dog Bite Injuries
The most common dog bite injuries can be painful, require long recovery times, and be costly to treat. Some of the most commonly reported injuries…
I Wasn’t Driving, So Why Am I Being Sued?
It happens. Someone needed a car. We let them use ours and next thing we know we get a phone call that they were…