I’ve been in an accident and they’re screwing with me!
Let me guess? The insurance company. Either the At Fault party or your own insurance company. Insurance companies, theirs or that of the at fault…
Hospitalized After a Serious Accident?
If you are hospitalized as the results of an accident, you feel lousy, are dealing with doctors and constant medical procedures and prodding and the…
How do I prevent prescription drug misuse with my teenager?
Almost every home in America has a medicine cabinet or shelf filled with prescription bottles of drug medication. We all have that shelf or drawer…
California Injury Lawyer for Out of State Drivers
Millions of people visit California every year in search of beautiful beaches, magnificent mountains and friendly people. Unfortunately, some of them return home after a…
What Temporary Disability Payments can I get from California Workers Comp?
What are Temporary Disability (TD) benefits? In the California Worker’s Compensation System, temporary disability benefits are those you receive if you can’t do your…
Yard Sale Disclaimer: Am I liable?
Garage Sales: Am I liable? Spring is here, and we may be well into spring cleaning. What’s next? A garage sale, of course. Why not…
Parked Tractor Trailers and Liability
A review of cases involving parked tractor trailers demonstrates that liability for injury and/or death can occur even when a tractor trailer is parked. In…
What if law enforcement failed to detain a drunk driver?
Law enforcement does a wonderful job in keeping our streets safe. But from time to time, severe injury and even death has occurred when law…
Exploding Underground Gasoline Tanks
Exploding underground gasoline tanks can cause catastrophic personal injury and property damage. When this occurs, a lawsuit against the responsible party can be brought under one of…
Liability for unsupervised trampoline use
There are thousands of children and adults hurt using trampolines each year. While adults may well have assumed the risk of injury, it is a…
Fracture of the Talus
A fracture of the ankle may occur to a person involved in a motor vehicle collision. A fracture involving the talus, a bone that makes…
Zip Lining Risks
A bright blue sky, a beautiful mountain or body of water – as Spring Break 2015 descends upon us, thoughts turn to an outdoor fun…
Hot Tubs and Alcohol
California residents leads the nation in hot tub ownership. Knowing that, it is therefore no surprise that statistically Californian’s are also three times more likely…
Assumption of the Risk — Sports and Recreational Injuries
Many of us engage in recreational activities and sports that expose us to the slight but not inconsequential risk of getting hurt while involved in…
Liability for Pedestrian Injuries when a Vehicle Jumps a Curb
If you are struck and injured by a vehicle that jumped a curb while walking or standing on a sidewalk you certainly have an injury…
The Multidisciplinary Approach to Chronic Pain
What does a multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain mean? This is when health care professionals from multiple fields address the needs of the patient…