Rehabilitation and Healing of Traumatic Brain Injuries
As a Sacramento Brain Injury Attorney since 1982, I have handled hundreds of cases for people who suffered from concussions, fractured skulls, and other injuries…
Motorcyclists and the Dreaded Hill
Motorcyclists and their passengers will sometimes suffer injury when they approach a stop on a hill or when the driver of the motorcycle attempts to…
Traumatic Brain Injury and Premature Death
A JAMA study published in January concluded that people who have sustained traumatic brain injuries (TBI) were more likely to experience a premature death, which…
Motorcycle Collisions with Left-Turning Vehicles
Many motorcyclists have experienced the feeling of being “invisible” to other drivers on the road, and unfortunately some have suffered the results of major impacts…
When it comes to trucking accidents, who is responsible?
The number of trucking accidents has increased significantly over the last two decades. Federal laws and regulations govern the trucking industry. These laws establish standards…
U.C. Berkeley Study – Lane-Splitting
You may see it every day during morning and afternoon commutes. Given our pleasant weather in the Sacramento area, motorcycles are frequently used as commuter…
Follow Up on Grief Counselling
Grief Counseling Follow Up On October 21st, I wrote here a bit about grief counseling, a process many of my clients whose family members or…
Lack of Sleep, Fatigue and Trucking Accidents
As a Sacramento Truck Accident lawyer with over 30 years of experience, I have handled hundreds of trucking negligence cases, many of which involve driver…
Chronic Headaches after a Traumatic Brain injury
The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1.4 Million people yearly suffer a traumatic brain injury. When troops returned from the First World War suffering…
Trucking Accidents and serious injuries
As a longtime Sacramento Trucking Accident Lawyer: I am shocked by the continued and sheer crazy proposals put forth by the trucking fleet industry:…
Minority Patients Pain Experience
Experiencing Pain as a Minority Patient As a Sacramento personal injury lawyer, I have had occasion to represent many minority members in auto and trucking…
What I know and What I Don’t Know About Grief Counseling
I’ve been a Sacramento Wrongful Death attorney since 1982. Since I handle only personal injury cases, I’ve had occasion to see many families who have…
Intersections – Increased Dangers to Motorcyclists
Statistics indicate that nearly one-third of motorcycle crashes occur at intersections. Of the collisions that occur at intersections, most involved a vehicle making a left-hand…
How Old To Ride On Back Of Motorcycle in California?
As illustrated in the above YouTube video, true lovers of motorcycles, want to pass this love on to their children. (Incidentally, there was significant…
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents occur every day in California, with many resulting in serious injury and even death. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported the number…
Motorcycles and Insurance Coverage
Most motorcyclists have an additional form of transportation besides their motorcycle. In fact, many use their car as their principal form of transportation and the…