Riding with a Passenger: Safety Tips
Once you have mastered motorcycle riding safety, you may get the desire to have close-up company on your bike. A motorcycle ride up the mountains…
Coping with Grief after the Death of a Loved One
Dealing with Grief As a Sacramento Wrongful Death attorney, over the past 30 years, I’ve experienced first hand the human toll it takes on families…
Motorcycle Riding in the Rain
It’s Better to Ride Once the Storm has Passed Most motorcyclists avoid riding in the rain. Not only does rain affect stability and traction, but…
Motorcycle Riding in Adverse Weather
If you are planning a motorcycle ride, it is safest to check the weather reports and avoid riding in the rain or excessive heat or…
Roadside Barriers Present Greater Risk to Motorcyclists
Motorcycles compose about 2% of the vehicles on the road but yet account for 42% of all fatalities involving collisions with guardrails. When it comes…
Reduce the Risk of an Accident when Driving a Motorcycle at Night
One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents is being struck by a motorist who doesn’t see you. This is particularly true at night,…
Does Color Protective Clothing Really Help Motorcyclists?
One of the joys of motorcycle riding is the feeling of having little to nothing between the rider and the open road. It is a…
Older Motorcyclists at Risk for More Serious Injuries
A recent article in the journal Injury Prevention provides a warning to older motorcycle riders that they are more likely (as much as three…
Motorcycle Helmet Requirements
Compared with larger motor vehicles like trucks and automobiles, motorcycles can expose their users to substantially greater danger of injury from collisions simply because of…
The Story of One Sacramento Personal Injury Victim
In May 2010, a kind, energetic Sacramento woman was struck by a large pickup truck. While the impact itself lasted only a few seconds, those…
Does Your Insurance Policy Discriminate Against Chiropractic Care?
Insurance Policy Discriminating Chiropractic Care As an experienced Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer, I know how important medpay coverage within my clients’ automobile insurance policy. Essentially,…
Safety Tips for Driving During the Fall
Fall is here and it with it brings many changes to the roads. Being prepared and changing your driving habits is the first step to…
What to bring to your Personal Injury Attorney Consultation
When you meet with a personal injury attorney for a consultation about your injury claim, it is important to bring as much information as you…
How Personal Injury Attorney’s Discover Policy Limits of At-Fault Driver
A severely injured client with a forthcoming surgery came in to see me the other day to find out how he should best proceed in…
Whiplash Caused by an Auto Accident
Personal injury victims, especially those who have been injured as a result of a rear-end collision, often suffer from painful injuries as a result of…
Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Sacramento Personal Injury Attorney
DO NOT … select an attorney who is does not have specific experience with personal injury cases. An attorney who does wills, trusts, bankruptcy or…