Motorcycle Accidents and Traumatic Brain Injuries
Motorcycle injuries are high risk for traumatic brain injuries whether or not the patient was wearing a helmet or not. While helmets are protective to…
Aortic Lacerations and Traffic Accidents
Aortic lacerations or traumatic aortic rupture happens when the largest artery in the body ruptures or tears, usually from a large force, such as a…
Gallbladder Injuries in Traffic Accidents
Gallbladder Injuries in Traffic Accidents Blunt trauma to the abdomen is not uncommon in traffic accidents. This type of blunt trauma can lead to injuries…
Medication Use and Traffic Accidents
People who use medications, especially psychotropic medications, seem to be at higher risk of getting into a traffic accident. One study looked at data they…
Hypovolemia in Traffic Accidents
Hypovolemia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in traffic accidents. It is also called hypovolemic shock and it is an emergency condition secondary…
Elderly Drivers
Information on the pros and cons of elderly drivers can be obtained through contacting the National Motorists Association. It has a policy statement on elderly…
Calcaneus Fractures
The calcaneus bone is located in the heel and makes up the entirety of the heel. This bone supports the foot and helps us walk…
Closed Head Injuries in Traffic Accidents
Closed head injuries can happen in a traffic accident. A closed head injury is an injury to the brain that happens due to blunt force…
Elderly Drivers and Fatal Crashes
It turns out that elderly drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes when compared to younger people. In fact, they often get in nonfatal…
Statistics in Pediatric Trauma
Pediatric trauma is not uncommon. Patients are at risk for trauma especially in the teenage years when they are more active and try more risky…
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Even though there have been dramatic improvements in road conditions over the last 40 years and even though there is greater education of drivers on…
Seizures and Driving
People with epilepsy, which entails seizures that are unpredictable, have had restrictions placed on several areas of their lives including the ability to participate in…
Traumatic Skull Fractures
Skull fractures generally go along with head or brain injuries. While the skull is generally a tough bony structure that provides great protection for the…
Pelvic Fractures in Pregnancy
Pelvic fractures are particularly dangerous in pregnancy, when it can disrupt blood flow to the uterus or cause direct trauma to the uterus. Pelvic fractures…
Pediatric Motor Vehicle Trauma
Kids undergo trauma all the time. In fact, statistics show that trauma from various sources is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children….
Spinal Injuries in Children
Pediatric spine injures are not that common. Most injuries happen in a motor vehicle accident, while others happen as a result of diving in shallow…