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Penetrating Injuries of the Bladder

Home » Penetrating Injuries of the Bladder
November 19, 2018
Edward Smith

Penetrating Bladder Injuries

People rely on their cars to take them to work, school, and around town on a daily basis. However, there is always a risk of a car accident. Sometimes, it is nothing more than a fender bender. In other situations, the car could be completely totaled. Regardless of the severity of the accident, serious injuries are always a possibility. According to statistics that have been published by Aceable:

  • Close to one out of every three accidents involve speeding.
  • Another third of auto accidents are caused by people who drive while under the influence of alcohol.
  • About one out of every six accidents involves distracted driving, such as texting and driving.
  • More than 10 percent of accidents list “poor weather” as a contributing factor.

These statistics show that accidents can happen at any time and can be caused by almost anything. Because of this, it is important for people to understand the types of injuries that might develop in an accident. Some of the most common injuries include bone fractures, traumatic brain injuries, and penetrating wounds. One that is often overlooked is a penetrating injury of the bladder.

Mechanism of Injury: Penetrating Injuries of the Bladder

Multiple serious injuries could result from an auto accident. A bladder wound is one of these severe injuries. This can lead to significant complications throughout the entire urinary tract. There are a few common mechanisms that could result in a bladder injury. Some of these include:

  • A possible puncture wound from a piece of glass.
  • Loose metal that could penetrate the suprapubic area.
  • Stab wounds from loose shrapnel flying through the vehicle.

Clearly, there are many different ways that someone could sustain a bladder injury. This injury is often confirmed using a combination of physical examination techniques and imaging scans.

Quality of Life Issues Stemming from an Injury of the Bladder

Once a bladder injury, has been confirmed, the treatment process can start. Sometimes, this may not be enough. There could be chronic complications that could create significant quality of life issues. Some of the problems that people might run into include:

  • The possibility of having to use catheters for the rest of his or her life.
  • Possible incontinence issues that could create embarrassing situations in public.
  • Numerous infections that could come from repeated catheterizations.
  • For those who require an ostomy of the bladder, suprapubic catheters could also be required.

This could place people in the hospital multiple times. Sometimes, these complications could last the rest of someone’s life. Because of this, it is essential for people to know where they can turn to for help.

Assistance from a Lawyer

When someone has been involved in a serious car accident, there are many questions that families often have. It is important to know where to turn to for help. For assistance, take a few minutes to meet with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Sacramento. Make sure that every detail of the accident is examined closely.

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Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyers

I’m Ed Smith, a personal injury lawyer in Sacramento. Bladder injuries can lead to significant quality of life issues. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident, call me at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly legal advice.

I am a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

You can see our verdicts or settlements here.

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Image Attribution: The photo at the start of this article is seen in its original form on Unsplash. The image has been reproduced here with permission/Penetrating Injuries of the Bladder.

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