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Pet Therapy and Pain Relief

Home » Pet Therapy and Pain Relief
October 29, 2020
Edward Smith

Pet Therapy May Reduce Pain 

Many people consider their pets to be members of their family.  Spending time with beloved pets has been shown to reduce blood pressure and have a positive effect on other physiological effects of stress.  Mounting evidence with regard to animal-assisted therapy, also known as pet therapy, reveals that it may have important mental and physiological benefits for patients who suffer from pain.  In this article, we will look at a number of studies that suggest that our pets may be helping us in more ways than we realize.

The Effect of Pet Therapy on Fibromyalgia

A recent randomized, controlled Mayo Clinic study of 221 participants found that fibromyalgia patients benefited both emotionally and physically from interaction with therapy dogs. The study included a treatment group that experienced a 20-minute session with a certified therapy dog and the dog’s handler.  Another group, the control group, met for the same amount of time with just the dog’s handler. Physical markers were assessed, which included heart rate, oxytocin concentration, and salivary cortisol – a measure of stress. Mood-based questionnaires were completed as well as pain questionnaires. The treatment group showed significant improvement in all areas when compared to the control group.

Other Studies on the Health Benefits of Pets

The Mayo Clinic study is just the latest of many that have shown that pet therapy can improve mood and health in the elderly and people with a chronic illness. The various studies have examined the benefits of dogs, cats, birds, horses, and even animal simulations.  The studies revealed improvements in blood pressure, depression, and symptoms of dementia. In particular, dog ownership was associated with increased physical activity, which has a tendency to help with mood and pain levels. Pet ownership by the elderly helps to preserve the ability to complete activities of daily living.  There is also evidence that it leads to lower triglyceride levels and increased survival time in patients with congestive heart failure and arrhythmias.

Pet Therapy for Chronic Pain

In 2019, a controlled, randomized study of older adults with chronic joint pain who took multiple medications and participated in a group exercise program showed that those who participated in the group exercise in the presence of a therapy dog reported a significant reduction in the perception of pain and pain-induced insomnia when compared to the control group. The disparity was particularly profound among those participants with the most severe baseline pain levels.

A 2015 study looked at patients who had undergone a total joint replacement.  Patients who had a 15-minute therapy dog visit prior to their inpatient physical therapy sessions reported reduced pain levels when compared to the patient control group who received physical therapy only.

With regard to emotional stress, a study of fibromyalgia patients in 2012 revealed that those who spent time in the waiting room of an outpatient clinic with a therapy dog had notable reductions in pain, along with a better mood and lower measures of distress when compared to the control group who did not have a dog visit in the waiting room.

Watch the YouTube video from Harvard Medical School on their report about the health benefits associated with pet ownership.

Getting a Pet – A Few Considerations 

The benefits of pet therapy are increasingly clear.  Study after study shows that interaction with a therapy dog can improve mood and perception of pain.  However, here are some things to consider before adding a pet to your household, especially for those who are elderly or have physical limitations:

  • The potential to trip over a pet creates an increased fall risk.
  • There is a financial burden – food, supplies, veterinary visits.
  • Possible infection risk from inadvertent scratches.
  • Stress and grief associated with the eventual loss of the pet.

Many people will accept the potential adverse consequences of pet ownership because the benefits a beloved pet can give are so much greater.  As studies have shown, those benefits could include the reduction of chronic pain and a better mood.

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