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Potential New Two-Drug Treatment for Brain Injuries

Home » Potential New Two-Drug Treatment for Brain Injuries
June 23, 2017
Edward Smith


Potential New Two-Drug Treatment for Brain Injuries

I’m Ed Smith, a Citrus Heights Brain Injury Lawyer. While a significant amount of research has been done regarding the treatment of traumatic brain injuries in recent years, the comorbidities continue to create significant stress for patients and their families. A researcher from Santa Barbara has developed a novel two-drug combination treatment which holds promising potential for the treatment of head and brain injuries.

Brain Injury Continues to Challenge Researchers

Because there are so many different types of brain injuries, it can be a challenge to diagnose brain injuries quickly. Importantly, the faster brain injuries are diagnosed, the faster they can be treated. Brain injuries range from concussions to massive intracranial hemorrhages that mandate different types of treatment with different speed. Failure to properly diagnose a brain injury can lead to administration of an incorrect treatment, leading to poor outcomes for patients and their families. Ultimately, for patients with traumatic brain injuries, a novel treatment may be available.

A Combination of Two Existing Drugs

First, a researcher out of Santa Barbara has been studying the effects of two different medications. He has been tracking their outcomes on patients with traumatic injuries of the brain. Bruce Chandler May is a physician in Santa Barbara. He realized that patients who were receiving both Levocetirizine and Montelukast seemed to be performing better than other patients with brain injuries. Next, he expanded the use of these medications in concert for patients with a variety of brain injuries and has seen positive results in his hospital and elsewhere. His results span back about ten years in both inpatient and outpatient settings.

Why These Drugs?

In addition, Levocetirizine is a class of drug called an antihistamine. Antihistamines function to reducing swelling in different settings. They have been used for decades to prevent the swelling associated with allergic reactions. Furthermore, by using Levocetirizine in brain injury patients, swelling can be reduced that could potentially prevent many of the drastic symptoms associated with brain injuries in a variety of patients, including those involved in auto accidents. Next, Montelukast is a leukotriene inhibitor and has been used in the treatment of asthma for an extended period of time. Finally, Leukotrienes are inflammatory molecules that can significantly damage the cells of the brain through their response. Ultimately, using both of these drugs together can reduce much of the inflammation and swelling associated with brain injuries.

Further Research is Necessary

Finally, while the early results are promising, more research must be done regarding the effectiveness of these medications. Hopefully, these drugs will reach the market in a combination form. Lastly, they could make a difference in the lives of patients and their families.

Contact an Experienced Brain Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Citrus Heights Brain Injury Lawyer. More research on medical treatment of brain injuries must be done. If you, or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, please contact my office at (916) 921-6400 for friendly, free advice. Patients who are reaching out to my office from outside of the local area are free to use my toll-free number at (800) 404-5400.

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