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Report on First Quarter 2021 Traffic Fatalities

Home » Report on First Quarter 2021 Traffic Fatalities
September 08, 2021
Edward Smith

A Deadly First Three Months of 2021

Last week the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), released their 2021 first quarter Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities. The agency estimates that there were 8,730 fatalities from motor vehicle crashes that occurred within the first three months of 2021. This number represents an increase of slightly over 10% from the estimates projected by the agency for the same period last year (7,900 fatalities).  In response to the increase in 2021 traffic fatalities, the NHTSA issued a report that identifies measures to get that number down.

Fewer Cars But More Deaths

The fatality rate increased even though traffic volumes continued to be lower. According to preliminary data released by the Federal Highway Administration, the VMT (vehicle miles traveled) in the U.S. during 2021’s first three months decreased by just over two percent, which translates into approximately 14.9 billion miles. For that same period, fatality rates per 100 million VMT increased to 1.26 deaths. This was an increase from the projected rate of 1.12 fatalities during the same period of 2020.  

The early estimates from 2021 reveal that driving behaviors and patterns that were reported by the agency in 2020, which represented a significant difference from prior years, continued in 2021. Drivers that continued to use the roads were engaging in riskier behaviors such as speeding, driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol, and failing to use seat belts. 

Addressing the Increase in 2021 Traffic Fatalities

The Acting Administrator at NHTSA states that the agency is taking a collaborative and transformational approach to safety to address the lives lost in traffic collisions. He asserts that all who are involved in designing, operating, building, and using the systems of roads in the U.S. share responsibility for traffic safety. In light of that, the NHTSA works closely with safety partners to deal with risky driving behaviors such as impaired driving, speeding, the failure of motorists to wear seat belts.   

Report: Countermeasures That Work

The NHTSA also released a report aimed at assisting stakeholders in identifying trends and countermeasures. This report, Countermeasures That Work, is the 10th edition, and it supports a safe system approach with the goal of eliminating traffic deaths, including those of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The report illustrates strategies for each of the following traffic issues:

  • Distracted driving
  • Impaired driving (alcohol and drugs)
  • Drowsy driving
  • Motorcycle safety
  • Bicycle safety
  • Pedestrian safety
  • Older drivers
  • Young drivers
  • Seat belts/child restraints
  • Speeding/speed management

The report looks at each identified issue to determine how much each has an impact on road safety. It then details proven strategies for communities to consider implementing to address the specific concerns. 

Watch the YouTube video. The NHTSA puts out a lot of videos highlighting risky driving behaviors. Below is their most recent offering, which deals with impaired motorcycle riding.

Sacramento Wrongful Death Attorney

Hello, and thank you for reading our report on 2021 traffic fatalities. My name is Ed Smith, and I am a Sacramento wrongful death lawyer. For close to four decades, my law firm has helped grieving families in their claims related to the wrongful death of a loved one caused by negligence.  Sudden, accidental deaths bring a complex mix of emotions. They also often cause financial problems for the family left behind. Pursuing a wrongful death claim against the negligent party will not ease the pain of loss, but it can help lessen financial burdens. Our compassionate injury lawyers can be reached at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400. We can set up a no-obligation consultation to go over the details of your potential claim, or we can simply offer free and friendly advice. If you prefer, you can also send your inquiry via our online form.

To learn more about our firm and the services we offer, please visit the links provided below:

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