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Safety Tips for Driving During the Fall

Home » Safety Tips for Driving During the Fall
October 01, 2014
Edward Smith

Fall is here and it with it brings many changes to the roads. Being prepared and changing your driving habits is the first step to safety in the upcoming months when driving is more dangerous. The following tips will help keep you safe as you enjoy the transition of fall.

Increase in Traffic

Back to school bus, vehicle and pedestrian traffic increases in the fall which means more cars on the road and potentially more accidents. Particularly, traffic increases during the morning and late afternoon when school gets out. Drivers need to slow down, keep a safe distance behind other drivers and keep a look out for pedestrians near schools and bus stops.

Leaves on the road

In the fall leaves begin to accumulate on the roadways. When it rains they create dangerous slippery driving conditions. Leaves often cover bumps, potholes, road lines and other hazards in the roadways. Be ever mindful and slow down if you are driving in an area covered with leaves.


With the onset of fall comes rain. In particular, after a dry spell, the first rains create increasingly dangerous wet driving conditions. Water begins to pool on top of oil, dust and debris that have not yet had a chance to wash away. Drive slower and give yourself more room to break. Use your headlights and turn signals so other drivers see you. Also, avoid using the cruise control in wet conditions to decrease the chance of losing control of your vehicle.


Cooler mornings often lead to foggy mornings which can impair a driver’s visibility and perception of distance. When driving in fog, turn on your headlights to low beam. High beams will bounce off the fog and create a glare. Also, slow down and stay well behind vehicles in front of you so that you have sufficient time to stop if needed.

Be Aware of Time.

In the fall there are fewer daylight hours. The clocks are set back in November but we begin losing daylight every day until then. As it gets darker earlier, it is difficult to see pedestrians and children in residential areas.

According to the California Highway Patrol, auto accidents increase by over 200% in the rain. Caltrans gives motorists real time road and traffic conditions here so that you can plan ahead before you head out on the road.


If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident in the Sacramento area, call the personal injury attorneys at The Edward A Smith Law Offices today for a free consultation.