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Single Vehicle Crash in Santa Barbara County Kills Driver

Home » Single Vehicle Crash in Santa Barbara County Kills Driver
July 11, 2017
Edward Smith


Single Vehicle Crash in Santa Barbara County Kills Driver

I’m Ed Smith, a Santa Barbara car accident lawyer. An accident involving one vehicle along Highway 166 in Santa Barbara County resulted in the death of the driver. Members of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) are investigating the crash to determine the cause.

My sympathy goes to the family of the deceased in their time of sorrow.

What Happened?

A car accident occurred on July 7 just after 6:30 in the morning when a driver, identified as being from Lompoc, died when his vehicle left the roadway along Highway 166 close to Rock Front Ranch at Santa Maria. A police representative indicated that the vehicle was in the westbound lane where his vehicle went out of control along a curve. As a result, the tires on the right went off the road and were on the graveled shoulder. When the driver overcorrected, the vehicle went out of control, hit the guardrail and went down the side embankment several hundred feet.

Accident Fatality

Responders who arrived at the crash site discovered that the man had died in the crash. The deceased man’s name has not yet been released to the public.

Causes of Single-Vehicle Accidents

Single-vehicle accidents are among the most common types, and there are a number of reasons these accidents can happen. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 58 percent of the traffic fatalities that occurred in 2015 involved only one vehicle. Driver error is the main reason and may result from:

  • Falling asleep at the wheel
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Distracted driving such as talking on a cell phone or texting
  • Speeding
  • Mechanical failure
  • Weather conditions
  • Hitting an animal or object in the road

Poorly Maintained Roads

Single-vehicle accidents aren’t always the driver’s fault. A roadway that is poorly maintained can contribute to an accident. Potholes, badly marked roads, curves that are too sharp and poor marking of road conditions where they are needed can contribute to this type of crash. The city, state or government agency that is responsible for the maintenance and safety on the road may be liable. When accidents occur due to negligence by a government entity, the family of the deceased may be able to recover the expenses associated with that death through a wrongful death lawsuit.

Negligence by Another Driver

Some single-vehicle accidents are caused by other drivers. For example, two drivers are going around a sharp curve at the same time. One of the drivers swings wide to make the turn, forcing the other driver to move farther over to avoid a crash. However, by moving over, the driver ends up on the shoulder and is involved in an accident anyway. In this case, the driver who crossed the centerline to make the turn would be partially responsible for the accident.

Mechanical Failure

Motor vehicles face recalls at times due to defective parts that can be dangerous for the driver. Whether the problem occurs in the manufacturing or design stage, the company may be held liable in a product liability lawsuit. The defective Takata air bag is one example, but defects can also occur in tires or on other parts of a vehicle. A mechanic who works on a vehicle is responsible for proper installation of parts that will be in good working order when installed.

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Santa Barbara Car Accident Laywer, Ed Smith

Santa Barbara Car Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Santa Barbara car accident lawyer. Negligence by other drivers are a major cause of injuries and deaths in motor vehicle accidents. Those who have suffered a personal injury or lost a loved one in a Santa Barbara car accident are welcome to phone me at (805) 372-0200 or at my toll-free line at (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly advice.

It can be hard to decide which attorney to call when you know little about them. That’s why I like to include links to my reviews and ratings on Google, Yelp and Avvo. I also include a link to my verdicts and settlements page, so people can get an idea of some of my previous cases and the results I have obtained for my clients.

The Million Dollar Advocates Forum was established for trial lawyers who have garnered $1 million and/or multimillion dollar settlements or verdicts for clients. I am proud to be a California member in the Million Dollar Forum.

I am founder/owner of and invite you to look over my website, where you can find extensive information on many types of personal injuries.

Photo Attribution: accident-2161956_1920.jpg

Bottom Photograph: Edward A Smith, Santa Barbara Car Accident Lawyer

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