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Statistics on Dangerous Intersections in Folsom

Home » Statistics on Dangerous Intersections in Folsom
August 22, 2020
Edward Smith

Data on Dangerous Intersections in Folsom

While Folsom isn’t as busy as the nearby city of Sacramento, it’s still got a lot going on. With an estimated population of over 80,000 and sites like Lake Folsom and employers like Intel and the California State Prison, there are a lot of people driving around the city on any given day. While a lot of activity is usually a good thing for cities, it also means an increased chance for auto accidents. While it isn’t possible to predict exactly where and when accidents will occur, you can improve your safety by learning about dangerous intersections in Folsom.

Accidents Overview

The following data was collected and reported by local law agencies, including the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and Folsom Police Department (FPD). According to these sources, there were 3,110 injury-causing car crashes in Folsom between 2008 and 2020. These included 106 pedestrian-involved accidents, 208 bicycle crashes, and 206 motorcycle collisions. Furthermore, only around 13 percent of traumatic Folsom accidents happened on state highways while the remainder occurred on city roads.

Intersections Ranked

The following intersections are listed next to the number of traumatic collisions that took place within 250 feet of the location during 2008-2020:

  • Folsom Boulevard and Greenback Lane, 67
  • Bidwell Street and Iron Point Road, 48
  • Greenback Lane and Leidesdorff Street at Riley Street, 46
  • Bidwell Street at Blue Ravine Road, 45
  • Riley Street at Sutter Street, 45
  • Mormon Street and Natoma Street Alley at Riley Street, 42
  • Peddlers Lane at Riley Street and Sutter Street, 41
  • Blue Ravine Road at Folsom Boulevard, 38
  • Blue Ravine Road at Prairie City Road, 38
  • Iron Point Road at Prairie City Road, 33

What Makes Intersections Dangerous?

Typically, more accidents happen at intersections than in other areas of the road. This is largely due to the fact that traffic travels in more than two directions, creating more opportunities for accidents. Because vehicles intersect each others’ paths at intersections, drivers need to be extra aware.

While all intersections pose a risk to drivers, some are more dangerous than others. This can be due to numerous factors. A particular intersection may have a higher rate of vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic. However, many intersections have structural or design issues that make accidents more likely.

Often, intersections are poorly designed and confusing for drivers to navigate or do not allow a clear line of sight to oncoming traffic. In other cases, there may be missing signage, malfunctioning traffic signals, inadequate lighting, or even poor pavement quality.

Dangerous Roads and Injury Claims

When issues with roads cause accidents, the government in charge of maintaining that road may be considered an at-fault party. This means that injured individuals can seek compensation from these government entities. However, personal injury claims that involve government entities are different from most cases and have a much shorter filing period. For these reasons, it’s important to reach out to a Folsom personal injury lawyer as soon as you are able.

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Personal Injury Lawyer in Folsom

I’m Ed Smith, a Folsom personal injury lawyer. People that suffer injuries in accidents can face difficult situations. If you were hurt in an auto accident, contact me by calling (800) 404-5400 or (916) 921-9600.

My firm and I have assisted individuals in Folsom with injury cases for 38 years. To learn about my work, you can review my settlements and verdicts or visit the websites below to read reviews written by the clients I’ve helped:

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