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The Relationship Between Truvada and Hepatitis B

Home » The Relationship Between Truvada and Hepatitis B
July 26, 2019
Edward Smith

Truvada and Hepatitis B

Truvada is manufactured by Gilead pharmaceuticals and has become a common medical regiment for the treatment of HIV and AIDS. Truvada, like other HIV drugs, stops the division of the HIV virus and reduces the number of copies of HIV in the bloodstream. Many people have heard that there is a relationship between Truvada and Hepatitis B. Some people, particularly those who have been diagnosed with Hepatitis B, might be worried that their infection might become worse while taking Truvada. It is important for everyone to understand the link between Truvada and Hepatitis B before taking this antiretroviral medication.

What is Hepatitis B?

There are multiple types of hepatitis and it is easy to get these viruses confused. Hepatitis B is one of the most common forms of hepatitis and may lead to a chronic, long-term infection. Some of the long-term health consequences include cirrhosis (which may lead to liver failure) and liver cancer. Those who develop cirrhosis and liver cancer may require a liver transplant.

Fortunately, the medical community has developed an effective vaccine against Hepatitis B. This is typically administered in a multi-shot series early in childhood with the first vaccination being given at birth. This has led to a reduction in the rates of this disease throughout the United States; however, people still contract some form of hepatitis. The virus is typically transmitted through sexual activity, drug injections with a dirty needle, and even from mother to child during pregnancy.

Watch YouTube Video: Hepatitis B – Symptoms and Treatment. The following video provides an overview of Hepatitis B, it’s symptoms and treatment.

What Impact Does Truvada Have on a Hepatitis Infection?

Truvada is a combination of two different medications called emtricitabine and tenofovir. Both of these drugs also have some degree of activity against the Hepatitis B virus. Furthermore, tenofovir is actually one of the most effective treatment options against Hepatitis B. It is sold on its own under the brand name Viread.

It is possible for someone to be infected with both HIV and hepatitis. Therefore, while people might not even realize it, they might be treating a hepatitis infection by taking Truvada. It is important for the doctor to test someone for hepatitis prior to starting Truvada for HIV.

Why Does it Matter if Truvada Treats Hepatitis?

It might sound like, on the surface, treating both Hepatitis B and HIV with a single pill is a good thing; however, the doctor needs to know that the patient has both Hepatitis B and HIV. If the doctor doesn’t know that the patient has hepatitis and Truvada is suddenly stopped, the patient’s hepatitis could get worse.

If Truvada is being used to treat Hepatitis B and the treatment is suddenly removed, someone might experience a severe rebound flare of hepatitis that leads to a sudden worsening of their liver function. This might lead to serious symptoms such as jaundice, abdominal pain, and even liver failure. To prevent this, doctors need to know if someone has Hepatitis B. Then, if Truvada is stopped, an alternative Hepatitis B medication can be started to prevent this rebound infection. This will keep the individual safe from both HIV and hepatitis.

Sacramento Truvada Injury Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Truvada Injury Lawyer. There is an important relationship between hepatitis and Truvada. If you are taking Truvada and have experienced serious liver complications as a result, please reach out to me at (800) 404-5400 or (916) 921-6400 to receive free, friendly legal guidance and advice.

I’m honored to be a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum & of the Top One Percent, which is a National Association of Distinguished Counsel.

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