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Vallejo Authorities Launch Pedestrian Safety Effort

Home » Vallejo Authorities Launch Pedestrian Safety Effort
February 21, 2018
Edward Smith

Vallejo Authorities Launch Pedestrian Safety Effort

Vallejo Authorities Launch Pedestrian Safety Effort

I’m Ed Smith, a Vallejo auto accident lawyer. Due to a recent streak of pedestrian vs. vehicle collisions that began in the beginning of 2018, the Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is introducing an enhanced pedestrian safety enforcement operation. The announcement was made by VPD officer Lt. Michael Nichelini in a recent news release.

Beginning in the month of February 2018, the new operations effort will be focused on accident-causing factors that involve pedestrians and motorists. VPD will be instituting regular traffic patrols directing their efforts to troublesome areas in addition to special target patrols that will be deployed to seek out and crack down on pedestrians and drivers who are in violation of traffic laws that are meant to protect those who use Vallejo’s roadways.

The new enforcement effort will be funded by a grant given to VPD by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) through the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).


VPD has reportedly been mapping locations where pedestrian accidents have occurred for the past three years and noting what factors were involved in the accidents. Nichelini indicated that these areas and factors would receive special attention.

Officials have not disclosed the areas for which they will be increasing enforcement. This decision was reportedly made because VPD wants all traffic locations to be “treated with caution.” It was noted, however, that some of the areas do correspond to Sonoma Street intersections where new crossing lights for pedestrians have been installed and will eventually be made operational.

Accident Factors Named

Accident factors named in the press release include driving over the speed limit, driving while distracted, performing illegal turning maneuvers, failing to stop for traffic lights and stop signs, and failing to properly yield to pedestrians using crosswalks.

Nichelini indicated that it is important to recognize that not all of the blame for pedestrian accidents falls on drivers and that enforcement will also be increased for observed pedestrian violations such as illegal street crossing and failing to yield to motorists who have the right-of-way. Nichelini stressed that pedestrians should try to cross the street at marked intersections or crosswalks.

Watch Youtube Video ~ Last Sound – Pedestrian Safety PSA for California Office of Traffic Safety: Watch this video to see one of the most dangerous pedestrian behaviors in our culture today. Learn more by watching this public service announcement reminding pedestrians to avoid walking distracted.

A Rising Problem

The report noted that pedestrian accident fatalities are increasing in California as more individuals opt to use non-motorized transportation means. The report also cited the fact that VPD has investigated 141 injury accidents and 11 fatal accidents that involved pedestrians over the past three years and that California saw 867 pedestrian fatalities in 2016, almost one-quarter of all California accident deaths. This is especially significant when considering the fact that the national average is 15 percent.

Advice from VPD

VPD released a list of tips for pedestrians and driver who want to stay safe.

Pedestrians are advised to walk facing traffic, pay attention to their surroundings by avoiding texting while walking, make eye contact with approaching drivers, wear bright clothing, walk predictably and look both ways before crossing the street.

Drivers are advised to be on the lookout for pedestrians in hard-to-see lighting conditions, drive more slowly when approaching crosswalks and intersections, and practice caution when backing their vehicle up.

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Vallejo Auto Accident Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Vallejo auto accident lawyer. Reckless drivers who cause accidents can and should be held responsible for the damage they cause. If you’ve been hurt in a crash, contact me by visiting or by calling (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 to receive friendly, free advice.

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Photo: “Crosswalk, brighton” by Ashim D’Silva via Creative Commons 0

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