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Vitamin B Linked to Hip Fractures

Home » Vitamin B Linked to Hip Fractures
October 24, 2019
Edward Smith

Vitamin B Linked to Hip Fractures

A recent research paper shows that taking high doses of vitamin B supplements might lead to an increased risk of hip fractures. Notably, this study focused on two specific types of vitamin B, B6, and B12. Most people receive their vitamin B from their everyday diet. This vitamin plays a critical role in the development and maintenance of numerous processes throughout the body.

Many studies have already linked a deficiency of certain vitamins and other crucial nutrients, such as calcium, to an increased risk of bone fractures. This is one of the first studies to show that high doses of supplements, such as vitamin B, may actually lead to an increase in hip fractures.

The Role of the B Vitamins

There are many different types of vitamin B. All of these vitamins play a different role in the structure and function of numerous metabolic processes throughout the body. Some of the main purposes of vitamin B include contributing to the appearance of the skin, helping someone’s daily energy level, stopping infections, promoting the growth and maintenance of red blood cells, and controlling the various metabolic function of cells throughout the body.

With so many essential functions, it is easy to see why it is crucial for doctors to monitor the levels of these vitamins throughout the body. Those who are deficient in these vitamins are often prescribed supplements.

The Design of the Research Study on Vitamin B

A team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health conducted an extensive study looking at women who had completed menopause. The researchers focused on postmenopausal women because this patient population is already at a markedly increased risk of suffering a hip fracture. The researchers followed thousands of women over 30 years.

The researchers collected information on the fractured history of these individuals before the start of the study. Then, they followed these individuals, noting their use of supplements and their fracture history regularly. After completing the study, the researchers published their findings in the Journal of Academic Medicine with interesting results.

The Results of the Research Study

The researchers found that those who took excess levels of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 were at an increased risk of suffering a hip fracture. Those who took high doses of both supplements were at a 50 percent greater risk of suffering a hip fracture. The doses that these women took were far over the recommended daily allowance of these supplements.

The results are relevant because many people take high doses of vitamin supplements under the impression that they are good for their health. Unfortunately, these results show that taking excess doses of these vitamins can increase someone’s risk of suffering a severe hip fracture. Future studies will take a look at why high doses of supplements may be detrimental to someone’s health.

Sacramento Hip Fracture Lawyer

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Hip Fracture Injury Lawyer. A surplus of vitamin B may increase someone’s risk of sustaining a hip fracture in the future. Anyone who has broken a hip due to the negligence of another person or entity should contact me at (800) 404-5400 and/or (916) 921-6400 to receive free, friendly legal guidance and advice.

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Attribution of Picture: The photo used at the start of this article was found originally on Pixabay. It has been reproduced here with the permission of the Creative Commons License.

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