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What to do after a car accident?

Home » What to do after a car accident?
July 09, 2015
Edward Smith

What to do after a car accident?

You’re on the way to work, on a Monday morning, listening to the new KZAP station and suddenly, out of nowhere, a car shoots the light at Fair Oaks and Watt, striking your car from the side.

Once your car comes to rest, the first thing you should do is get out of the car if you can safely do so. There’s always danger in a bust intersection of a subsequent collision by some other driver.

If you feel you have a substantial injury, move some distance from the car and sit down till help arrives. If you are able, call the police and ask them to come to the scene. Police in Sacramento and sometimes CHP also, can be hesitant to come and make a report. They may ask if you are hurt.

My advice is, if you feel like you are lightheaded or experience any amount of pain, to tell them “Yes” and have them come out.

Even in what looks like clear cases, lack of a police report can hurt you.

You should exchange information with the other driver and make sure to get their name, current address, license number and drivers license number.

If you have a car phone take photos of damage to your car and any other cars in the accident.

If witnesses are at the scene, try to get their names and telephone numbers as well.

When you get home, it’s best to make an appointment with a good chiropractor or medical doctor on your health plan immediately. You can find reviews of good chiropractors or medical doctors in most areas on Yelp.

Most chiropractors can help you with pain even if you have no medical insurance because they will take a lien on your case, meaning they will be paid when your case settles.

Call your insurance when you get home and report the accident. Under no circumstances should you talk to the other insurance of the at-fault party. They have been trained to turn your statements around to try to hurt your case.

Just don’t talk to them except to get their name, insurance company and claim number so you can call them later.

Finally, after you get these initial matters taken care of, call an experienced Sacramento Auto Accident Lawyer. I’ve produced a video on

how to go about selecting a good one.

I’m Ed Smith, a Sacramento Auto Accident Attorney. You can call me anytime for free, friendly advice at 916-921-6400 or 800-404-5400.

See my reviews on Yelp, Avvo or Google.