Woodland Fatality Collisions
I’m Ed Smith, a Woodland wrongful death lawyer. Recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that fatal accidents per vehicle mile traveled have been increasing across the nation over the past few years. While causal factors such as distracted driving and driving while fatigued are reportedly on a slight decline, reckless driving behaviors like driving under the influence and speeding are causing more and more accident fatalities.
Like all cities, Woodland has seen its fair share of fatal crashes. However, by learning more about these accidents, those who drive in the area can better understand how to decrease their chance of being involved in one. Here are some useful statistics regarding auto accident deaths in Woodland:
Accidents Overview
The data that follows is taken from an eleven-year period spanning 2006-2017 and comes from researchers at UC Berkeley. Over this time period, Woodland saw a total of 1,270 accidents, 27 of which involved fatalities, with 30 fatalities occurring overall. This means that the vast majority of fatal accidents only included one fatality.
Nearly half (48.1 percent) of these accidents involved pedestrians while only 2 (7.4 percent) involved motorcyclists and none involved bicyclists. 15 non-fatal injuries were sustained across the 27 fatal accidents and around one-quarter (25.9 percent) occurred on state highways inside of the city.
Collision Type
The most common fatal auto accident type in Woodland over the past decade has been vehicle/pedestrian collisions. After this, the most common accident type to cause fatalities has been hit-object accidents, which accounted for exactly one-third of fatality crashes. Accident types with less than 3 collisions over the time period include rollover, broadside head-on, and sideswipe accidents.
In contrast, the most common overall injury accident type in Woodland was broadside collisions, which was closely followed by rear-end collisions. This data suggests that vehicle/pedestrian and hit-object accidents are much more fatal in Woodland than other auto accident types.
Collision Violation
While not all car accidents are the result of negligent drivers, ignoring the rules of the road seriously increases your risk of being involved in a crash. The most deadly traffic law violation in Woodland during 2006-2017 was a tie between driving while intoxicated and driving over the speed limit. Both violations caused 7 fatal accidents each, and accounted for over half of Woodland’s fatality collisions.
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Woodland Wrongful Death Lawyer
I’m Ed Smith, a Woodland wrongful death lawyer. Losing a person you love is a tragedy and can be overwhelming. If you know someone who has lost their life because of a negligent party, contact me at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 to receive free, friendly advice. I’m also available at AutoAccident.com.
For more than 35 years, I’ve helped Woodland area families with wrongful death and personal injury claims so that they can receive the full repayments they deserve.
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My Previous Verdicts and Settlements are listed here.
AutoAccident.com is the premier online resource for valuable auto accident and personal injury information.
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